Archive for June 2010

The Parramatta Justice Precinct

The Parramatta Justice Precinct

The Parramatta Justice Precinct provides a significantly improved community access to a wide range of metropolitan based justice services. Effective signage is extremely important in assisting the public to locate the various services.

An external signage strategy was developed to provide an integrated family of signs addressing the needs for wayfinding, orientation, building and precinct identification and for the dissemination of information within the precinct.

The signage conveys excellence of design and implementation. It reinforces and contributes to the context and identity of the precinct and it’s setting. The signage is prominent and easily identifiable, but not visibly intrusive, taking cues from the surrounding architecture.


Design and project management by Minale Tattersfield Design Strategy Group.

The University of Sydney

The University of Sydney

The University of Sydney is Australia’s oldest tertiary institution, and with a 
student population in excess of 46,000 is one of the largest in Australia. 
It is ranked among the world’s top 40 universities.

Minale Tattersfield undertook the planning and design of a comprehensive wayfinding system. It complies with Australian Federal law on equality of access, thus setting new standards for a campus wayfinding system.

The Information signs feature tactile and Braille information, directions and maps. They feature intercom services and visual components such as an LED display, illuminated event poster and brochure dispenser.

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Home City

Design and progect management by Minale Tattersfield.

Sydney 2000 olimpic way finding

Sydney 2000 olimpic way finding

Pedestrian wayfinding in the central Sydney area during the 2000 Olympic Games was aimed at providing an Integral system of Olympic wayfinding. 

The message system was to combine existing signage symbols and message relying on standards pictograms. 

Our aim was to maximise the efficiency of the signage programme by reducing and standardising the different criteria for the types of signs, the proportion, method of fixing, height above ground, structure and hierarchy of information, grouping and layout of messages, clarify the trichotomy of direction through arrows, destinations, text and recognition through pictograms.

Darling Harbour

Darling Harbour

Darling Harbour was created in 1988. Since it’s opening, Darling
Harbour has been a place of celebration for the people of Sydney, as
well as a hugely popular tourist destination, that attracts more than 28
million visitors annually.

The relationship between Minale Tattersfield and Darling Harbour dates back
to 1991 when the firm conducted a wayfinding audit and subsequently
produced the wayfinding strategy and design for the precinct.

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